An engaging simulation experience of Software Product Management for the University of Alberta’s Software Product Management specialization


With the current high-demand workforce needs for quality software product management, the University of Alberta and their acclaimed Department of Computing Science wanted to bring a specialization for software product management on the Coursera™ platform.

This specialization should show students how to work with clients and organize a team of developers to make better software products.


Art Direction
Custom Release Planning tool - Try it here!
Conversation Simulator
Video Production
Script Editing
MOOC Publishing

To enroll visit Coursera



A Custom Release Planning Tool

Right off the bat we knew that quality software development is not done without proper strategic planning. As part of this production we developed a Release Planning Interactive Learning Object to emulate tools used by project managers for real world planning. The Release Planning tool contains critical functionalities to the software product management discipline that allows students to generate detailed tasks and create a release plan for their project that is then shared over the Coursera assessment system for peer review.



An incredible engaging learning experience with hands-on examples and tools that ensures the student masters the required knowledge.

The SPM specialization has had over global 25,000 enrolments since it was launched.

Feedback from our international audience is filled with excitement and accolades for creating a highly engaging and unique experience.

Enroll in this specialization through Coursera to learn more.
