A hybrid of online and in-person learning has the potential to meet diverse learning needs while expanding the capacity and support for busy clinicians.


Primary Care Networks (PCNs) support family physicians in meeting a variety of healthcare needs. Programs and classes are taught by certified or licensed healthcare professionals on chronic disease management, food and nutrition, exercise, and mental health. Sherwood Park PCN serves a region that encompasses parts of Edmonton, smaller urban centres, and rural areas, with a diverse patient base.

The PCN at Sherwood Park quickly pivoted to online learning at the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic. As they continued to offer synchronous classes over Zoom, they recognized both the challenges and opportunities of online learning. Clinician educators saw the need to adapt to online delivery, as many patients struggled with technical barriers. Online classes, however, offered more accessibility for patients with busy schedules, transportation barriers, and safety concerns.

The PCN recognized that a hybrid of online and in-person learning could meet diverse patient needs while expanding the capacity of busy clinician educators. This required a redesign of both their classrooms and technical equipment and of the courses themselves. Clinician educators needed training on best practices for delivering hybrid education.

2022 ASTech Award winner for Innovative Approaches for Learning

