Ranked #1 MOOC globally in both Science and Environmental Science categories by MOOCCentral


How to inspire thousands to explore Canada’s mountain heritage? That’s one of the questions the University of Alberta brought to us for creating one of their contributions to Canada 150 celebrations in 2017.

The University of Alberta wanted to invite people of all ages and interests around the world to discover Alberta’s incredible natural areas in an innovative way and with the knowledge of the experts at the University of Alberta.


Art Direction
Video Production
Interactive Learning Objects (ILOs)
Script Editing



We partnered with the University of Alberta and with the support of Parks Canada and the Alpine Club of Canada we leveraged the beautiful scenery of Western Canada to produce a clean, stunning and eye-catching course that delivers lessons from valley bottoms to mountaintops in an interdisciplinary course.

Our production team visited mountain ecosystems to deliver a mix of lectures, field visits and outdoor tips to illustrate the lessons.

To engage the audience and augment the learning experience we also developed interactive elements for this course. Hover over a map and place the mountains that have been discussed in the lesson or test your knowledge with an interactive quiz. These interactive elements not only enhance the experience but also encourage students to continue learning.


Mountains 101 is an award-winning MOOC. Since its launch in January 2017, over 18,000 people have completed Mountains 101. The course has been ranked #1 course in the world for both Science and Environmental Science according to a top online catalogue of free courses and MOOCs (www.class-central.com).

Mountains 101 is a 12-lesson Massive Open Online Course teaching a comprehensive overview of Mountain Studies. Mountains 101 covers an interdisciplinary field of study focusing on the physical, biological, and human dimensions of mountain places in Alberta, Canada, and around the world.

In addition, students receive general tips and tricks to safely enjoy time in the high alpine environment.

Award winning online course
Best Massive Open Online Course

Register for Mountains 101 through Coursera today!

See what learners said

Press Releases:

Parks Canada


More than


people across Canada and 140 countries
registered for the course



out of 5 from students
at Coursera